CMS 1500 Software MedClaimSoftware 
CMS 1500 and UB-04 Claim Software.

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CMS-1500 Field Requirements

Print must be Pica 10 or 12-point typeface. The type should be Courier, letter quality, and is best submitted in all upper case letters. None of the characters should be touching. Fonts should not be mixed, and they should not be in italics or script. Special characters should not be used, i.e., dollar signs, decimals, or dashes.

Ink Color

Due to the use of Optical Character Recognition equipment, no red ink should be used to complete a CMS-1500 claim form. This equipment will “drop out” any red that is on the paper. The only ink that is picked up correctly is true black ink. Any variation of blue, purple, or red ink should not be used.

Another common error is claims that are submitted that have been printed without red ink or the appropriate type of red ink. The CMS–1500 claim form must be submitted using the scannable, red ink version. These red ink versions can be purchased from a printer company, such as the U.S. Government Printing Office by calling (202) 512-1800. You can also contact the U.S. Government Printing office at the following address:

Asst. Supt., Dept. of Acct., Rep. Div.
USGPO Room C-830
Washington, DC 20401


Proper alignment of the CMS–1500 form information is necessary for the claim to be processed correctly. Information should be centered horizontally and vertically within the confines of each item box on the 1500 form. All information should be aligned on the same horizontal plane. The OCR equipment may not read information that is not centered properly causing unnecessary denials or incorrect payment. Only six line items should be entered per claim; do not squeeze two lines of information on one line.

Dot Matrix Printers

Providers who use dot matrix printers run the risk of their claims being processed slower and possibly incorrectly. OCR equipment is unable to read claims submitted with dot matrix printers as there are breaks in the letters or numbers. It is recommended that you use an ink jet or laser printer to complete the CMS–1500 claim form.

Handwritten Claims

Medicare Part B Basic Billing Manual states: “Claims should not be handwritten, upper case letters only must be used, print must be Pica 10 or 12 point type face, and printer ink should be black only.”

Stuffing Envelopes

NAS receives many overstuffed envelopes. This causes the material to become damaged, partially received, or lost altogether before it arrives in our office.

NAS recommends including no more than four sheets of paper per regular #10 envelope. When submitting more than four pages, a larger “flat” envelope that measures roughly 9” x 12” should be used. This will reduce the need for folding claims, reducing the amount of claims damaged during the opening process. Claims should not be rubber banded or stapled together. When folding claims, one of the “thirds” should be larger than the other two. This will leave a small amount of space in the envelope that will allow our envelope slicing and extracting equipment to open the envelope without damaging the claims. DO NOT FOLD CLAIMS INTO EQUAL SECTIONS.

Envelopes should also contain similar contents. For example, one envelope should contain claims, another should contain correspondence. The time it takes to process all items received will improve if different items are mailed separately.

PO Box Usage Reminder

Providers are encouraged to use the appropriate PO Box designated for each state’s Medicare correspondence.

Please send an e-mail to with any comments or questions you might have.


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